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The Real Ghost Stories

My Haunted Life 

We had this dog when I was a kid, her name was Rags and she was fairly ancient by the time I was eleven

So old in fact that I wasn't even surprised when she passed

For years afterwards as I cowered underneath the covers in my childhood bedroom I could hear the soft clicking of her nails on the linoleum kitchen floor

My parents always told me it was the result of an overactive imagination

Of course, that was the explanation they offered me when I was age sixteen and still slept every night with the covers over my head. It wasn't just Rags that made me afraid in their house, it was everything else

Little noises and sounds

For as long as I could remember, I would wake up because someone would say my name right in my ear

So loud it would jolt me from sleep

Was I dreaming? As I grew older it became easier to write these things off as silly childhood fears and for several years I made due with just that

When I turned 22 I moved into a new apartment with my boyfriend and soon began to experience that same feeling again

I couldn't explain it quite right

It just felt..
